Behind Azure Ananda

By Hanne

Sun salutation is like an old friend which is present in the talks during the yoga class. In this post I will tell you three benefits sun salutation has which enables you to get familiar with sun salutation at least in theory. What is sun salutation and what are the benefits?

What is sun salutation?

To answer the question shortly, Surya Namaskara (=Sun Salutation) is one singular yoga sequence that can be your daily practice alone. If you are new to yoga, Surya Namaskara is probably not that familiar to you. Still, even if you practice yoga, you might not know all the fantastic benefits Surya Namaskara actually has. You probably know that it is to prepare and warm-up you to yoga practice, but there are more benefits. So, why is it good to practice this sequence?

If you are in the state of your life where you don’t have that much time for your daily practice, you can still keep your practice alive by practicing a few rounds of sun salutation. Always remember that the length of your practice is not essential, but practice in general is. Once you get into a habit of practicing sun salutations daily, you will just fall in love with the sequence’s flow.

Here are three benefits of sun salutation.

The effects of different yoga asanas

1. Energizing and stress relieving

By practicing the sequence, you can energize your body. If you have a moment in the morning to practice a few rounds of sun salutation, you will have a great and energetic start for your day. In case you feel stressed out in your day to day life, sun salutation is one way for you to relieve that stress. It smoothens the stiff joints and muscles, and you might feel more relaxed in no time. When practiced continuously, you can notice your body having more strength, flexibility, and tone.

2. Improves health

Regular practice improves heart health. Sun salutation improves your blood circulation, purifies your blood, and strengthens your body. It amplifies the heart rate and affects the entire circulatory system. The asanas (=yoga poses) of the sun salutation improve the blood flow and effect on endocrine glands’ function. The asanas cause a gentle rub to the endocrine glands, which can correct the secretion of hormones in the body.

Did you read this post already: What is yoga?

3. Moving meditation

Sun salutation is a series of asanas, which are bound together with the breath. By following your breath, you move from one asana to another, letting your breath be the guide that leads the way. The sequence gives you a fantastic possibility to quiet your mind, and by doing so, it can be your moving meditation. Once you become really familiar with the sequence, it is easier to find the meditative state and observe your body’s sensations while you are in the asanas.

Remember that every day is different, and your body is different every day. Listen to it and respect what it is telling you while you practice. And since this present moment is the only moment that exists, there is no need to compare yourself or your body to practice you did yesterday or last week.

​Be grateful for this unique moment.

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what is sun salutation

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