What is restorative yoga,
and for whom is it suitable?


By Hanne

For this post, I have had the pleasure and honor of interviewing my yoga teacher colleague Minna. Our paths with Minna have met, of course, in the yoga studio, where Minna has initially been in my direction. Over the last couple of years, yoga teacher training has also called out Minna, most recently the studies of restorative yoga, and that’s what we’re talking about today. What is restorative yoga, and for whom is it suitable?

What is restorative yoga,
and for whom is it suitable?

First, could you briefly tell who you are and how yoga has come into your life? And what role does it play in your life today?

I am Minna Mansikka. By profession, I’m a nurse, a trauma psychotherapist, and a psychophysical respiratory therapy instructor. My main job is psychotherapy. From yoga teacher/instructor trainings, I have attended Heartfulyoga RYT200, Yin Yoga RYT30, and Restorative Yoga.

What else am I? It depends on what doctrine you look at. From a yoga philosophy angle, I am Purusha.

Yoga has come into my life in the form of 2012 Ashtanga yoga. I was fascinated by yoga right away because the feeling of well-being was beautiful. It was something that other forms of exercise. I started Yin Yoga practice in 2015. It restored the body from loads, and the nervous system leveled off. At the same time, I also became acquainted with various forms of yoga at the local yoga studio and started regularly practicing there. Life has served me several surgeries, so asana practice hasn’t always been possible, but meditation and Yoga Nidra have supported the road to recovery.

Today, yoga is in my life. I do my asana practice, sometimes I take guided lessons, study yoga philosophy on Måns Broo courses, and reflect on ancient wisdom. I hold wellness courses at an appropriate pace with yoga and psychophysical perspective.

What is Restorative Yoga, and where did it originate?

The roots of restorative yoga come from the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar. Judith Hanson-Lasater has developed a more gentle version, which is the basis of which Kirsi Saivosalmi uses when she trains restorative yoga instructors (Levon vallankumous). Assistive products and body support are an integral part of restorative yoga. The body is aligned to different resting positions very precisely, and the asanas are held for about 10-30 minutes. That means that a 75min yoga class typically has three asanas. The body must be in a good relaxed position because of the long duration of asanas.

Restorative yoga is a yoga of rest, where conscious rest and aids allow for different levels of deep relaxation where also thoughts can be as they are. Or you can calm and quiet down.

Mitä on restoratiivinen jooga

Yin Yoga has quickly gained popularity, but how is restorative yoga different from Yin Yoga? How, for example, aids differ between these two styles?

Restorative yoga and I’m now talking according to how I have studied restorative yoga; the body is not stretched.

There may be a feeling of opening in the body, but no stretching and no muscle power are used in the asana. In restorative yoga, you need about four blankets/person, pillows, bolsters, eye pads, yoga bricks, and yoga belts. At home, you can apply aids that best suit your purposes.

This form of restorative yoga does not usually use background music, and the instructor speaks less. In this way, you can minimize sensory stimuli. What matters is warmth, room lighting, silence, and a compassionate and safe atmosphere. Usually, as the body begins to relax and consciousness turns inward, there is no longer a need for sensory stimuli.

What are the Benefits of Restorative Yoga?

There are a lot of demands, performance, and stress in life. When a person chooses to practice restorative yoga, she is at the same time selecting a conscious, restorative rest. The parasympathetic nervous system is activated, which restores a person from a state of stress.

As the overdrive of the body calms down, you have the opportunity to face yourself holistically. And after that, the relationships with other people improve also, and you will be more present in those relationships.

The state of balance of the nervous system helps, for example, to tolerate pain, menopausal symptoms, stress, and pleasant emotions. In terms of yoga philosophy, your life becomes more sattvic.

Who benefits from Restorative Yoga and for whom you recommend it?

I recommend restorative yoga to try for anyone who needs a recovery in life and rest and an increase in vitality.

When vitality and balance are desired in life, moments of rest are as important as activation. Rest is worth giving yourself already when there is still energy. Then it also restores you the best. 

What to expect from Restorative Yoga class?

In a restorative yoga class, building an asana meticulously using aids may seem frustrating at first, but an “I am doing good for myself” attitude can help with this, and the instructor will help. Such asana construction can also be a harmonious and meditative moment as things begin to become familiar. The group size is usually small so that the instructor has time to help appropriately. The effort is rewarded, and the body has an excellent foundation to relax.

Thank you

Thank you so much Minna for opening up the world of Restorative yoga.

In the autumn of 2021, Minna is going to have a new course on Restorative yoga. You can find more information about the timetable and all details on Minna’s website, Facebook, and Instagram, all of which she can be found under the name Lupa Hellittää.

☽ 〇 ☾​

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