Every bit of matter – from the tiniest DNA strand in your body to the largest of the continent – is in constant vibration, sending subtle sounds to its surroundings. The great teachers of ancient times had the power to listen to the subtlest of these sounds. They used these sounds to form sacred words, and these words are called mantras. In this post, you will learn about the mantras; what is a mantra? And what kind of power
does it have?
Mantra is about the sound and frequency that convey a message to the subconscious. Mantras have a profound effect on us. They affect us by the sound’s vibrational impact and the collective emotional energy behind that word due to constant repetition over time.
Mantras are used to achieve specific results, and they are repeated a certain number of times. The power of mantras can lead to healing, fertility, and the creation of abundance. They allow us to open our hearts and minds and to reach a state of greater awareness. Mantras are great tools for reaching a meditative state.
The effect of mantras on our body is reflected in the programming of a new kind of vibration of cells and helps cells towards harmony and holistic health. Mantras affect not only our physical body but also our subtle body – our emotions, intellect, and soul. They positively affect our aura – the energy field around our body.
All the words we hear, whether we realize it or not, cause an emotional reaction in us. Words are associated with all of our past experiences and the collective feelings that people generally have about a specific word.
For thousands of years, yogis have emphasized the importance of chanting mantras to stabilize and clear the mind, further leading to a more profound spiritual awakening and awareness. Even modern neuroscience is now beginning to find similarities between the way words are used. And how it impacts on the functioning of the mind.
When we hear, speak, chant, or even think of a mantra, the frontal lobe of our brain wakes up, and the nerve endings light up. Mantra, meditation, contemplation are all tools that facilitate this higher functioning of the frontal lobes.
Repetition of the mantra is an effective way to keep oneself present in the present moment and to silence an active mind that jumps forever uncontrollably from one thought to another. The moment we instill the practice and are “intensely” present — without thinking about the subconscious past or the distant anxiety of the future — we automatically experience great peace, profound silence, and supreme joy. It is, in fact, the process and goal of meditation, and the use of mantras helps to achieve it in a very effective way.
Most of us know the OM mantra. We chant it at the end of a yoga class without perhaps thinking further about it. OM itself is a mantra and maybe the most powerful and well-known of all mantras. It balances, helps focus, heals, and cleanses. OM mantra is the most sacred mantra of both Hinduism and Buddhism, and it contains all the mantras, sounds, and vibrations of the Universe. When hearing the OM mantra, you hear the collective sound of the Universe, the Primordial Sound.
If you observe the OM symbol, you will see three curves, one semicircle, and a dot at the top of the symbol. The symbolism and meaning of the mantra, sounds, and parts of the symbol, go even deeper.
On a blog post called Meaning of OM mantra by Ambujayoga, the symbolism is explained like this:
“The large bottom curve symbolizes the waking state, A.
The middle curve signifies the dream state, U.
The upper curve denotes the state of deep sleep, M.
The dot signifies the fourth state of consciousness, Turiya.
The semicircle at the top represents Maya or illusion. Therefore, it is an illusion of Maya that is an obstacle to accessing our highest self.”
I will end this writing with the words of Nikola Tesla:
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
Are Mantras part of your practice, and have you noticed their power?
Suddha Anand Yogshala 200 hour Hatha Vinyasa YTT Teacher’s Manual
I am a yoga instructor and personal trainer dedicated to holistic wellbeing and natural living. On my blog, I share insights and practical tips to help you find balance and harmony in your life.