Behind Azure Ananda

By Hanne

In this post, I will talk about
• how yoga can lower blood pressure
• share a yoga sequence at the end of the post, which is designed to calm your mind, reduce stress, and therefore decrease your blood pressure.

How yoga can lower high blood pressure?

What is blood pressure, and why high blood pressure is bad for health? To put this simple, blood pressure is the pressure of the flow of blood in your veins. And high blood pressure is more of a load to the heart than normal blood pressure because the heart needs to do more work then. If blood pressure continues to be high for a long time, it will damage the arteries.

Lifestyle and high blood pressure

Lack of exercise, obesity, and stress are a few causes behind high blood pressure. So, exercising and losing weight are the first steps to take when starting to lower/normalize the blood pressure. The situation with stress is different since we simply cannot avoid stress altogether. However, we can do something about the length of the stress.

Worries and sorrows negatively affect health, and there are often factors of stress as well. On top of that, busy life and mind are giving their shares on blood pressure. 

How is yoga reducing the high blood pressure?

According to studies, yoga reduces high blood pressure, although it is not precisely known how. But if I will go back a little and recap. Exercising and reducing stress were two things that can positively affect high blood pressure, so it is not that mystical after all how or why yoga is lowering blood pressure. If you are not sure if yoga is suitable for lowering your blood pressure, please consult with your doctor first.

You may be interested in this also: What is yoga?

In the video, we practice yoga asanas that positively affect high blood pressure. You can take a pillow, blanket, yoga block, or bolster to support you in a couple of the poses that we are doing. Did you know that with a couple of deep breaths, you can calm your body? Therefore you can prepare yourself for this practice by taking a few deep breaths, inhale through your nose and exhale through your nose. 

Here you are, a little bit background on how yoga can lower high blood pressure. Now you can take your yoga mat, and we can start the practice. 

Namaste ❤️

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How yoga can lower blood pressure

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