How to Balance Sacral Chakra? - Bringing back the balance


By Hanne

The energy centers in our body, Chakras, affect how energy flows within our body. If one of the Chakras is imbalanced, it also affects the functioning of the other Chakras. And therefore it also affects our lives in many different ways. That is why finding and maintaining balance is essential. In this post, you will learn to recognize signs of imbalance and, furthermore, how to balance Sacral Chakra and bringing back the balance.

How to Balance Sacral Chakra? - Bringing back the balance

The name Svadhisthana comes from Sanskrit. Sva means self, and Adhisthana means place of residence or place. Svadhisthana, or Sacral Chakra, is the center of emotional life, desires, and sexuality. It symbolizes the emotions around our decisions, reflecting what we are heading towards or away from. When our root chakra is in balance, it is also easier to obtain balance in the Sacral Chakra area.

The element of this Chakra, which is located below the navel, is water. Where the energy flow of the root chakra connects directly to the ground, this Chakra opens straight forward.

The color of the Sacral Chakra is orange, the color of life. And it symbolizes purification, activity, joy, hope, attraction, and success. At the emotional level, it springs from joy and (healthy) sexuality. What do I mean by healthy sexuality? I will return to that later in this post.

The mantra of Sacral Chakra is VAM.

How to Recognize Imbalance?

Thanks to this Chakra, we can feel compassion and harmonious, balanced feelings. The feeling of belonging, creativity, and passion are signs that the Chakra’s energy is flowing freely. Also, what your emotional identity is, is determined through this Sacral Chakra. Imbalances can be the result of, among other things, fear, especially fear of death.

The imbalance of the Sacral Chakra can manifest itself in a variety of dependencies. It can, for instance, be an addiction to yoga. Also, sex-related addictions are associated with imbalances in the Sacral Chakra region. If you suffer from lower back, pelvic or menstrual problems, or urinary tract infection, the cause may found in your Sacral Chakra.

How to balance Sacral Chakra

Return to Balance

You can start looking for and restoring balance, for example, with the help of yoga practice. It helps to move energies and thus affects the balance of the Chakra.

The orange color of the Chakra can help in meditation and bring balance. Did you know that the color orange affects our ability to be happy, joyful, compassionate, creative, and passionate? Orange also colors the fall. And it is a sign that we need to let something go for new things to enter our lives.

Fruits that contain antioxidants can help balance Sacral Chakra. These include blueberries, strawberries, and pomegranates. Adding greens like spinach, lettuce, and kale may also help you toward the balance. Antioxidants improve immunity levels and digestive functions, giving you more energy. In addition, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and ginseng are good choices for bringing balance.

How to Recognize Balanced Sacral Chakra?

In the book “Anatomy of the Spirit,” Caroline Myss defines the strengths of the Sacral Chakra as follows: The ability to survive financially and to defend and protect oneself. Ability to take risks. Flexibility to recover from loss (family member, partner, property, work, or finances), power. And ability to rebel and rebuild life (personal and professional), ability to make decisions.

When the Sacral Chakra is balanced, you experience inexhaustible creativity. A healthy attitude towards sexuality and one’s own body, acceptance, and compassion for others are also signs of a balanced Chakra. You are vibrant, optimistic, and playful.

Next up in the Chakra series is the Manipura Chakra; it is where our inner strength and self-confidence lies.

Sharamon, Shalia, Baginski, Bodo J: The Chakra Handbook
Rohit, Sahu: Chakras for beginners
Myss, Carolyn: Anatomy of the Spirit

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How to Balance Sacral Chakra? - Bringing back the balance
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