Take time for yourself

By Hanne

Saying goodbye to summer happened this year in one fell swoop when the temperature dropped by 20 degrees over night and froze there on the cold side. Change is not only drastic when talking about degrees. It is also intense for every person. Although we experience it in many different ways, it has undoubtedly affected everyone in one way or another. With fall, we slowly start to curl up inward and find ourselves in the corner of the couch more often. Outside, the steps get faster as the temperature cools, and we raise our shoulders to the ears as the wind blows through our bodies. How to take care of yourself during the fall, when the almighty energy of summer is just a memory and the corner of the sofa beckons. It is appropriate to take time for yourself and focus on your well-being.

Take time for yourself

Fall has never been a pleasant time for me. It involves a lot of longing and giving up. Renunciation of warmth and light. The two things I live for. In time, studies brought a specific energy boost to the fall. Since then, I have had to try to come up with some other kinds of joyous moments at this time, when we are heading towards the darkest times of the year. So what would bring light amid darkness? This idea started and gave birth to two Aroma-themed events in the fall, which I will tell you about more later.

Especially in the fall, we long to take time for ourselves, a little pampering. Pampering was the keyword when my friend/colleague Viivi and I set out to plan the Aroma Calmness event.

By “coincidence” and without knowing it, we took a 30-day course on essential oils simultaneously and were excited about the oils; we thought they could be perfect for bringing more joy and light to this autumn.

Why use essential oils?

Essential oils affect mood and emotions. They have a direct connection through the nose to the limbic system. And when the scent of essential oils reaches the limbic system, especially the hypothalamus, it immediately tries to bring the body back to a balanced state.

Essential oils have their effect on us. They stimulate, calm, balance, relax, etc. When the scent of the soothing oil reaches your brain, a message is sent to your body to relax and calm down.

Yoga and essential oils work together to help us with our moods. dōTERRA’s collection of essential oils includes a collection of three oil blends tailored for yoga, so my friend and I couldn’t resist the opportunity when planning our event.


Aroma Events

We came up with the Aroma Calmness event, a mini-retreat in September. The day consists of short oil info, relaxing yin yoga practice, restoring hand massage, and calming meditation.

In October, I will host a four-week yoga course, Aroma Bliss. The oils are a big part of this course. After the course ends, anyone (in Finland) can attend to Aroma Bliss online. I will send samples of the oils used in practice to each person attending the course online.

What are you ready to let go of this season?

Energetically, autumn is a time when it is time to decide what you are ready to let go of. And when we let go, for example, of our old habits that cling to us every autumn, we can accept something new in our life.

Would it be new this year to have some time for yourself? A moment to stop by yourself, a moment to relax. Try finding an event similar to ours, for instance, in your area and make your fall to be more about love and light.

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Hi, I'm Hanne

I am a yoga instructor and personal trainer dedicated to holistic wellbeing and natural living. On my blog, I share insights and practical tips to help you find balance and harmony in your life.

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