Behind Azure Ananda

By Hanne

In this post, I will tell you 7 reasons why meditate. Meditation is in right now, and that is a good thing. There is also a very big reason why it is becoming more and more popular. And that is, the rhythm of life these days everywhere is so hectic that more and more people feel they need to calm down. But what are the 7 reasons why meditate if you aren’t already?

Why Meditate? (7 reasons)

First, what meditation actually is? Do you now see Julia Roberts in the movie Eat. Pray. Love. frustrated because she is unable to silence her mind? 

Meditation is a translation to Sanskrit word Dhyana, which means a practice in which the mind is focused on one target. It is a method that is used to find physical and emotional peace and balance and to quiet the mind and senses. And believe it or not, daily meditation practice can improve your health and overall well-being. Mastering this will lead us to find our true selves.

If your life is hectic, you are probably interested in stopping and quieting your mind, calming down. And suppose you are already practicing yoga and are familiar with asana and pranayama practices. Which leads to meditation and your interest in adding meditation into your daily routines, if you haven’t already. Starting a daily meditation practice is the most important thing to do in the path of meditation, and it is even necessary if we want to improve our meditation skills.

It is not difficult to get used to daily practice once you get started. Because the most important thing is to get started, right? At first, it is good to keep the meditation sessions short, and little by little, extend the duration of the practice. A good thing to remember is that even short meditation is useful, although our wandering minds might then cause problems. That’s because the time may not be long enough to quiet the mind. But please don’t use this as an excuse for not even starting.

Why meditate

Benefits of Meditation

Why meditation is in today and why meditate? Let me give you seven reasons as an answer to the question. 

Benefits of meditation:

  • Reduces harmful reactions to stress in our bodies
  • Decreases and balances blood pressure
  • It relaxes and gives inner peace
  • Increases focus
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Strengthens self-esteem and confidence 
  • Increases self-knowledge


Pretty impressive, right? Meditation also teaches us self-knowledge, and it helps us understand our thoughts and behavior better. By noticing this, we are more kind to ourselves and the world around us. And it leads us to a better balance between our bodies and minds.


How to Meditate?

Now you might be thinking, how to meditate? I will give you one simple tip on how to start to meditate, so you’ll be able to get started today.

1. First, take a comfortable seated position, where you can breathe nicely for 5-10 minutes. You can set your phone to alert and take this time to relax your mind. You can also sit and lean on to a wall if you feel more comfortable that way. Try to keep your spine straight and long, and keep your chest open so you are giving space to your breath.

2. Remember that, naturally, thoughts come into your mind, and when this happens, just acknowledge the thoughts and gently and lovingly bring yourself back to your body and your breath.

3. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Feel your breath. How and what do you feel when you inhale, and how does it feel to exhale.

4. Inhale through your nose and let your lungs fill completely. Exhale through your mouth. And stay in the state of your exhalation a little while longer than in your inhalation. Continue breathing like this for a little while.

5. Then return to your natural breath and feel the rhythm of your natural breath. And breath as you naturally do for a little while.

6. Once your meditation session has come to an end, take just a few moments to yourself and feel how you feel now. Can you feel calmer than you were when you first started this session?

If you are interested in learning more about meditation, I have created a Free 3-day meditation course, which you can sign up for at any time.
You can access the course here.

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Why meditate

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