Behind Azure Ananda

By Hanne

In this post, I will go through what is Chandra Namaskar, you will
• learn the benefits of Chandra Namaskar
• get to practice and learn the sequence with me

What is Chandra Namaskar?

You are maybe familiar with Surya Namaskar (= Sun Salutation), but did you know that it has a sister, a more soothing sequence called Chandra Namaskar (= Moon Salutation). Therefore it is a more relaxing and quieting sequence, and its intention is to cultivate the moon’s energy.


Why Chandra namaskar? If you are under any stress, the sequence of Moon Salutation may be the answer for you to relax yourself because it balances energies. By nature It’s really quieting practice therefore you will leave from your mat feeling more relaxed than when you step on to it.


I can warmly recommend that whenever you have the opportunity, take time for yourself and practice Chandra Namaskar. The best time for this is, of course, in the evening when the moon is out. It offers you a beautiful way to prepare yourself for sleep. An important thing to remember when practicing moon salutations is to move slowly. If you are familiar with Sun Salutation, where you move from asana to the next listening to your breath, moon salutation offers you the possibility not to sync with your breath each move. It offers you a possibility to move from asana to next whenever you feel like it. 



The benefits of Chandra Namaskar

Benefits of practicing Chandra Namaskar:

 • Helps you channel the calm, relaxing, and creative moon energy
 • Stretches the spine, hamstrings, strengthens legs, arms, back, and stomach muscles.

I have practiced yoga regularly for six years and teaching it for five. I only heard about and started practice the moon salutations a year ago, and I have to admit, I fell in love with the sequence. Classical sun salutation hasn’t impacted me, but moon salutation, which is nearly the same, I do love. Just as I write this, I’m thinking about the reasons behind this. And the only thing I can think of is the fact of how it opens up the body. But that is just my opinion, try for yourself and see how you find it. 

Namaste. <3

You can learn and practice the sequence with me by watching the video. Please do note that the speed has been reduced in this video. 

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What is chandra namaskar

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