Behind Azure Ananda

By Hanne

In this post, I will go through
• how yoga boosts your immunity
• tell how seven well-known basic asanas affect on the body and further to the immunity. 
So, how yoga boosts immunity?

How yoga boosts immunity?

Stress is one of the most critical factors that make us sick. The causes of stress are many. Maybe the most well-known is the stress we experience from our work; the workload, and the hectic rhythm we have in our workplaces. In addition, excessive exercise and too heavy training or on the other hand the lack of exercise are all stressing our bodies. Lastly, the low quality of food and lack of sleep are also factors when talking about stress. It is good to remember that all these stress the same fragile body—stress on top of the stress.

When we practice yoga, we can strengthen our bodies’ ability to fight illnesses. For example, by stretching, we remove harmful toxins out from our bodies. Movement alone is not enough because every cell in our bodies needs oxygen to stay healthy. Yoga unites these two, and movement and breath form a union, which helps the circulation. This way, we can get closer to a healthy body and stronger immunity.


Yoga asanas that help the immunity

Basic standing pose Tadasana helps to bring balance into the body, and it also regulates digestion. It balances the breath and increases awareness, releases tension, and improves circulation.

Tree pose Vrksasana keeps you strong. It strengthens the spine, and the stretch of the pose is energizing. This pose helps with concentration and, above all this, relaxes the nervous system.

Triangle pose Trikonasana improves circulation within the whole body. It has positive effects on digestion, blood pressure, concentration, and balance. It relaxes the mind and relieves stress.

Both Vrksasana and Trikonasana open the hips. We carry a lot of emotions on our hips, and these poses allow us to let go of any harmful energies restored within our bodies.

Maybe you are interested in knowing what kind of effects different asanas have? You can read more here.

Salamba bhujangasana, mini cobra of sphinx pose, is therapeutic for the nervous system, and it has positive effects on restlessness and depression. 

Utkatasana strengthens, energizes, and improves balance. When engaging the core, it stimulates the heart and massages the internal organs. The twisting effect of parivrtta utkatasana helps to squeeze toxins out from the body.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, the bridge pose, is a heart-opening asana, and it improves circulation. You can energize your body with this asana and also increase the immunity to different pathogens.

Viparita Karani is a calming yoga asana, and it affects the whole body, and with a grounding effect, it also relaxes the nervous system. 

Yoga allows you to strengthen your immunity in a natural way. It is both strengthening and calming at the same time. This way, yoga can help from getting sick and keeping the illness away. 

Here, a few factors on how yoga boosts immunity. 

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