From Mat to Heart:
5 Essential Routines to Deepen Self-Acceptance

By Hanne

In the last blog post, From Doubt to Confidence: 4 Yoga Techniques for Self-Acceptance, we explored how yoga can be a transformative tool for embracing your true self. Now, we’re taking that journey a step further. In this sequel, From Mat to Heart: 5 Essential Routines to Deepen Self-Acceptance, we’ll delve even deeper into the practice of self-acceptance by integrating essential oils into your yoga routine. These mindful practices are designed to help you nurture a stronger connection with yourself, cultivating a sense of inner peace and acceptance that radiates from within.

From Mat to Heart:
5 Essential Routines to Deepen Self-Acceptance

Why Use Essential Oils in Your Yoga Practice?

Essential oils have been used for centuries to promote emotional and physical well-being. When integrated with yoga, these oils can enhance your practice by creating a sensory experience that deepens your connection with yourself. By using different oils on different days, you can create a series of mindful routines that address various aspects of self-acceptance, making your journey more holistic and enriching.

1. Grounding with Frankincense:
Monday’s Foundation for Self-Acceptance

Start your week by grounding yourself in self-acceptance. Frankincense, known as the “king of oils”is an ideal oil to use on Mondays, helping you establish a solid foundation for the week ahead.

How to Use It: On Monday, apply a few drops of frankincense to the soles of your feet and your pulse points before beginning your practice. As you move through grounding poses like Mountain Pose and Child’s Pose, focus on the present moment, allowing the earthy scent of frankincense to anchor you.

Poses to Enhance the Experience:
Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Stand tall, with your feet firmly planted on the ground, feeling the stability and support of the earth beneath you.
Child’s Pose (Balasana): This gentle pose encourages a deep sense of surrender and trust, both in your body and in the moment.

2. Opening the Heart with Rose:
Tuesday’s Journey to Self-Love

On Tuesday, turn your attention to self-love with the heart-opening properties of rose essential oil. Rose oil holds a higher vibration than any other oil on the planet. It helps to cultivate compassion and emotional healing, making it perfect for deepening your self-acceptance.

How to Use It: Add a drop of rose oil to your palms, rub them together, and inhale deeply before your Tuesday yoga session. As you move through heart-opening poses, let the gentle fragrance of rose wrap you in love and acceptance.

Poses to Enhance the Experience:
Camel Pose (Ustrasana): This heart-opening backbend allows you to release tension in the chest and shoulders, making space for love and self-acceptance.
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana): Another powerful heart-opener, bridge pose helps you connect with your breath and release emotional blockages.

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3. Balancing with Lavender:
Wednesday’s Midweek Calm

By Wednesday, you may feel the need for balance and calm. Lavender calms the insecurities that are felt when one risks their true thoughts and feelings. Lavender is known for its soothing and balancing effects, making it an excellent choice to help you embrace tranquility and acceptance midweek.

How to Use It: On Wednesday, apply lavender oil to your temples, wrists, and the back of your neck before your practice. Let the calming aroma guide you through poses that encourage introspection and peace.

Poses to Enhance the Experience:
Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana): This gentle stretch encourages introspection and self-acceptance, as you fold inward and release tension.
Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani): A deeply relaxing pose that helps calm the nervous system and promotes a sense of peace and acceptance. 

4. Empowering with Peppermint:
Thursday’s Boost of Confidence

As the week progresses, Thursday is a great day to focus on building confidence and energy. Peppermint invigorates body, mind, and spirit, and reminds individuals that life can be happy, and they don’t have to be controlled by fear. Peppermint oil is very refreshing, helping you tap into your inner power and embrace self-confidence. Peppermint is also my go-to oil when I feel tired and need a little pick-me-up. 

How to Use It: On Thursday, apply peppermint oil to your temples (please be careful that oil doesn’t get into your eyes), and the back of your neck before your practice. The refreshing scent will energize you as you move through empowering poses.

Poses to Enhance the Experience:
Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II):
This strong, grounded pose embodies strength and confidence, helping you tap into your inner power.
Chair Pose (Utkatasana): A powerful pose that challenges your endurance and builds strength, both physically and mentally.

From Mat to Heart- 5 Essential Routines to Deepen Self-Acceptance 3

5. Reflecting with Sandalwood:
Friday’s Deep Connection

End the week with a reflective practice using sandalwood essential oil. Known for its spiritual properties, sandalwood helps you deepen your connection with your inner self. It also assists in quieting the mind so that you may hear the subtle voices within. 

How to Use It:
On Friday, apply sandalwood oil to your third eye and chest before starting your yoga session. As you practice, allow the grounding scent of sandalwood to guide your thoughts inward, fostering a deep sense of self-awareness.

Poses to Enhance the Experience:
Lotus Pose (Padmasana): A traditional meditative pose that encourages stillness and introspection.
Corpse Pose (Savasana): End your practice with deep relaxation, allowing the lessons of your practice to sink in and your connection with yourself to deepen.

A Week-Long Journey from Mat to Heart

By integrating essential oils into your yoga routine, you can create a week-long journey of self-acceptance that touches on different aspects of your being. Each day brings a new opportunity to connect with yourself, supported by the unique properties of these oils. Whether you’re grounding yourself on Monday with frankincense or reflecting on Friday with sandalwood, these practices are designed to help you cultivate inner peace, love, and confidence.

Remember, self-acceptance is a continuous practice. By dedicating time each day to nurture this connection, you’ll find yourself growing more in tune with your true self, both on and off the mat. If you’re ready to take your journey to the next level, I invite you to join my 3-day free online course Journey to Self-love. Together, we’ll explore more transformative techniques and build a foundation for lasting self-acceptance. Start your journey today!

Read more about essential oils here.

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Hi, I'm Hanne

I am a yoga instructor and personal trainer dedicated to holistic wellbeing and natural living. On my blog, I share insights and practical tips to help you find balance and harmony in your life.

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