Breaking Through Your Yoga Plateau:
7 Strategies for Renewed
Progress and Growth

By Hanne

Hitting a plateau in your yoga practice can be frustrating, especially when you’ve been dedicated and consistent on your mat. You may find yourself stuck, unable to deepen your poses, enhance your strength, or achieve the mental clarity you once felt. This is a common experience for many yogis, especially for those who are balancing a busy life while striving to deepen their practice, build physical strength, and nurture self-love and emotional well-being. If you’re finding it hard to progress, don’t be discouraged. Plateaus are not signs of failure but opportunities for growth and transformation. In this post, we’ll explore practical tips to help you break through your yoga plateau and reignite your passion for the practice.

Breaking Through Your Yoga Plateau:
7 Strategies for Renewed
Progress and Growth

1. Reconnect with Your Intention

When you first started yoga, you probably had a clear intention or goal—whether it was to build strength, reduce stress, or cultivate inner peace. Over time, as your practice becomes routine, it’s easy to lose sight of that initial purpose. Reconnecting with your intention can bring a renewed sense of purpose to your practice. Reflect on why you began yoga in the first place. What are your current goals? How do you want to feel after each session? Reaffirming your intention can help you move past the plateau by giving you a fresh perspective and renewed motivation.

Tip: Consider incorporating essential oils like doTERRA’s Motivate Encouraging Blend into your practice. Diffuse it before starting your session to uplift your mood and inspire a positive mindset.

Onko joogaharjoituksesi jumissa? 7 keinoa päästä kehityksessä eteenpäin

2. Explore New Styles or Teachers

Sometimes, a plateau is simply a sign that your body and mind crave variety. If you’ve been practicing the same style of yoga or following the same teacher for a long time, it might be time to explore something new. Different styles of yoga emphasize different aspects—some focus on strength, others on flexibility, breathwork, or meditation. Trying a new style can challenge your body in different ways, helping you break free from the routine that might be holding you back.

Tip: If you’re primarily practicing Vinyasa or Hatha yoga, try incorporating Yin yoga for deep stretching and mindfulness, or Power yoga to build strength and endurance. Experimenting with different teachers can also introduce you to new approaches and techniques.

3. Focus on Breath and Mindfulness

Often, plateaus occur because we’re too focused on the physical aspects of yoga, like perfecting a pose or achieving a certain level of flexibility. Shifting your focus to your breath and mindfulness can bring a new dimension to your practice. Deepening your breath, refining your pranayama techniques, and practicing mindfulness in each movement can help you connect more deeply with your body and mind. This connection can unlock new levels of awareness and progress.

Tip: Practice Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing) or Ujjayi Breath to calm the mind and bring balance to your practice. Incorporate mindfulness by paying close attention to the sensations in your body as you move through each pose.

4. Set Small, Achievable Goals

Setting small, manageable goals can make a big difference when you’re feeling stuck. Instead of focusing on mastering a complex pose, set goals that are more attainable in the short term. For example, aim to hold a pose for a few seconds longer than before, or work on improving your alignment in a specific asana. Achieving these small goals can boost your confidence and give you the momentum you need to push past your plateau.

Tip: Keep a yoga journal to track your progress. Writing down your goals, accomplishments, and reflections after each practice can help you stay motivated and see how far you’ve come.

5. Self-Love and Patience

It’s important to remember that yoga is not just about physical progress. It’s a journey of self-discovery and self-love. Embrace where you are in your practice without judgment. Patience is key—progress may not always be linear, and that’s okay. Celebrate your efforts and the fact that you’ve committed to showing up for yourself. This shift in mindset can help you break free from the pressure to constantly improve and instead enjoy the journey.

Tip: Use doTERRA’s Serenity Restful Blend to create a calming atmosphere before or after your practice. Diffuse it during Savasana to enhance relaxation and encourage a sense of inner peace.

Join a community of like-minded people at the Self-love Yoga Circle Facebook Group. 

6. Incorporate Strength-Building Exercises

If your plateau is related to physical strength, consider adding strength-building exercises to your routine. Building muscle can support your yoga practice, making it easier to achieve certain poses and maintain stability. Incorporating bodyweight exercises like planks, push-ups, or core work can complement your yoga practice and help you build the strength needed to progress.

Tip: Integrate poses like Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) and Navasana (Boat Pose) into your practice to build core and upper body strength.

Breaking Through Your Yoga Plateau: 7 Strategies for Renewed Progress and Growth

7. Practice Gratitude and Reflection

Finally, take time to reflect on how far you’ve come in your yoga journey. Practicing gratitude for your body, your progress, and your commitment can shift your focus from what you haven’t achieved to what you have. Reflect on the positive changes yoga has brought to your life—whether it’s improved flexibility, reduced stress, or greater emotional resilience. This positive reinforcement can help you move past the plateau with a renewed sense of appreciation for your practice.

Tip: End your practice with a few moments of meditation focused on gratitude. Use Frankincense Essential Oil to enhance your meditation, known for its grounding and centering properties.

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Yoga Is A Journey

Remember, a yoga plateau is a natural part of the journey. It’s an opportunity to pause, reflect, and realign with your goals and intentions. By exploring new styles, focusing on breath and mindfulness, setting achievable goals, and practicing self-love and patience, you can break through the plateau and continue to grow in your practice.

Have you experienced a yoga plateau? How did you overcome it? Share your tips and experiences in the comments below, or reach out if you have any questions!

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Hi, I'm Hanne

I am a yoga instructor and personal trainer dedicated to holistic wellbeing and natural living. On my blog, I share insights and practical tips to help you find balance and harmony in your life.

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